

Can you imagine the lisp that these will cause? Especially the bottom ones... ah the small sacrifices that we must make to attain true beauty. I still want a pair of killer vampire teeth in white gold... but that's just me. These are made out of acrylic by this guy in brooklyn.

Flipped Kanye Track

I like what Colin Munroe has here. He's being produced by ATL's own Dallas Austin...


politics at it's best

Mitt Romney Defends Himself Against Allegations Of Tolerance

The Singularity


Pinball Number Count

here's an excellent list of covers inspired by this piece of pop culture:

oh and check this out, too! creepy edit of se7en to the Pinball song...

This post has been brought to you by the number 12, and the Pointer Sisters!
And Drawn.ca


Great posing tips

found this on fredmiranda.com by an "86 year old retiree."

- This is a guide primarily for models to get into the feel of the shot. Add anything if you like.

SUBJECT: POSING -- Some random thoughts. Addressing models.

1.The first thing a model should be thinking of is establishing a theme. Will it
be glamour? pretty portrait? head shot? pin-up? Maxim type? If it is for your own portfolio, then it is your decision. Tell him what you want to achieve, in general terms if nothing else.

2.Now that you've decided, get that mood in your head. Keep moving around slowly, like different poses you've seen in magazines, until the photographer says "freeze!" or something similar. "Hold it!" does very well, too.

3.As you change poses, that means move your whole body, not just your head. Also, how you feel about your body shows up in the poses you choose.

4.When the photographer wants you to turn a little in some direction, that means turn a real little, and slowly, so he can see the differences as you move and the light changes on your face or body.

5.A pose shouldn't be a static thing where you put your hands and head in specific places. It should flow, from one pose to another as your thoughts and emotions change. You should feel that posing is a display, and glory in it.

6.Try not to lean your weight on your arms when posing against something and
only some special poses should stand square to the camera.

7.Cross your legs toward the camera when sitting, and point one foot at the camera when standing.

8.Be aware of what your hands are doing and try to keep them edge on to the camera with fingers closed or just slightly open so they don't look like claws.
Don't pose with your elbows pointing at the camera.

9.Are you interested in featuring your face, body, or overall?

10.Flirt with the camera if it's that kind of theme and you are pretty. If you
aren't quite as pretty as you'd like to be, (And you know who you are) try a challenge expression.
(Think S & M) Experiment.

11.Look haughty or naughty, or proud, or sexy, or teasing, or challenging, but it's important to make a decision on some emotion. Not necessarily for the whole

12.Make several shots with that same emotion, in different poses.

13.Important! This is one of the most common goofs even experienced models
occasionally make. The lower lip slightly open and a blank stare at the camera just looks as if you are bored or brain dead, no matter what you are really thinking inside your head. It may feel sexy in your head, perhaps, but try posing in front of a mirror with your eyes closed until you establish in your head what mood or emotion you think you are showing. Then open your eyes and examine the mirror while holding that expression. You are almost guaranteed to be surprised at what you actually look like unless you've done this before. It's an eye opener.

here's the post.