

slavery, originally uploaded by benbarren.

what we all have to look forward to when you think of it from my perspective...


Rambo Hamster

Rambo Hamster, originally uploaded by jks184.

i believe that the photo says it all..


Girls with class

Girls with class, originally uploaded by grrad.

It's amazing how without a doubt any person who refers to themself or labels themself as "classy" is guaranteed to be anything but! the same people who delude themselves into thinking they are intelligent, or funny, or dependable, seem to fall into this same category as well.

can you tell just how much i love my fellow human beans?


I can finally say I've made it in the world! Do i get to count this as being published? hahaha linky


Amen Brother!

"Douglas Coupland famously remarked once upon a time that your awareness of your own complicity in the commodification process is no longer of any concern"



why are pretty people soo pretty???

i'll prove my point more at some point, but until then you have to wait!


in the mean time check this craziness out!